• "strong moral character, love of teaching and respect for both children and parents"

    Parent of 4th and 6th grade students

  • "personalized tutoring to ensure that each student was not only maintaining educational standards but thriving"

    Parent of 3rd and 5th grade students

  • "very caring and understanding individual, taking the time to step away from the studies to speak to them, listen to them and provide guidance to them even when it was not the focus of the studies"

    Parent of 5th grade students

  • "extremely responsible and always on time, if not early"

    Parent of 4th and 6th grade students

  • "could quickly discern the different needs and learning styles of my children. She knew who needed extra motivation and support vs. more independence and put schedules and systems in place to meet those needs"

    Parent of 3rd and 5th grade students

  • "extremely impressed with her ability to organize and plan"

    Parent of 5th and 7th grade students

  • "creative yet disciplined, confident yet humble, organized but not rigid, and most of all she cared very much for her students"

    Parent of 5th and 7th grade students

  • "tirelessly worked to develop an ongoing educational experience equal to the experience that our children would have received under normal school experiences"

    Parent of 5th grade students

  • "impressed with the improvement in skills my child could not perform a few weeks ago."

    Parent of a kindergarten student

  • "has shown a consistent ability to meet multiple different students' needs across multiple grade levels at the same time while woring on each student's weaknesses through personal attention"

    Parent of a 3rd grade student

  • "have never seen my child so excited for math"

    Parent of a 4th grade student

  • "a passion for education as well as the dedication to teach each student, helping them excel personally"

    Parent of 5th grade students

  • "a professional and stays on top of information from multiple systems, schools, families, and teachers"

    Parent of 5th and 7th grade students

  • "had no problem working with three different children, on different academic skill levels, at the same time"

    Parent of 4th and 6th grade students

  • "stay on top of all the new learning systems in math"

    Parent of a 4th grade student

  • "I wish we had these tools last year"

    Parent of a 4th grade student

  • “She provided thorough feedback at the end of each session including areas where she pushed him and areas where we could work with him at home in between sessions. She was very personable and brought lots of tools with her for each session. I would highly recommend.”

    Parent of a kindergarten student