
1 hour virtual lesson

Our commitment to success is not limited to traditional in-person tutoring. We offer virtual tutoring utilizing updated and interactive technology to keep your student engaged and thriving!


1 hour in-person lesson (reduced to $40 for a second student)

Our in-person tutoring sessions are anything but traditional. We create lesson plans and goals catered to your student. No two students have the same plan (although we do recycle fun resources and tools)! We are always looking for feedback and adapt our plans after each session to meet your student’s individual needs.


Homeschool/learning pod support (10-19 hours per week, up to 10 students)

We know these past few school years have been challenging for both families and students in a variety of ways. We are experienced and encouraged to support students should at-home learning be a better fit for their personal and academic success!

While we have set prices depending on the type of support, student success is always our top priority. For this reason, we are happy to discuss a price range that will work for your family!